Jun 30, 2008


…glancing over her shoulder, hannah mischievously smiled at the stormtroopers. they had pursued her this far...little did they know what lay in store. men often followed her into dark corners and strange alleys thinking her a soft prize. men had often followed; men had often died…

you're probably wondering…

where the hell is art challenge 2? well, i moved from OKC to washington dc and never got it scanned. well it's scanned now, and he'll go up when i get back to work and pull him from my desktop. silly me.

art challenge 3 rotated the subject matter to rick's court. and he laid that game down. laid it down flat. a girl han solo...hannah solo. being that i already have a man crush on han, this was a hoot. today is the first day i got my new wacom pen and i put it to hard work.

drink it in. photoshop cs3 and only one break to watch an exceptionally good episode of 'friends'.

the last crusader is still to come.


Anonymous said...

that backside looks familiar

mike said...

Nice to see you're back in the game =)

Unknown said...

this is hot, sean! And not because she's standing in front of a might blaze.

Great work here! I'd totally get on board her Falcon.

PMJeepers said...

I think you win this round. Rick's Fem-Solo is alright but this one is damn awesome. Nice work.

- sean - said...

considering that i can't wait to buy labor days, and the fact that you and rick are a badass team, that is a compliment of the highest order sir.

beer shall be bought and delivered to your waiting and eager hands.